Newfoundland 10 Minute At Home Self Check Stomach Ulcer Test
Experiencing persistent stomach pain or bloating? These symptoms could be signs of a stomach ulcer caused by the presence of H. pylori bacteria. A quick and convenient solution to check for H. pylori antigen in stool, this at home ulcer test can help you gain valuable insights into your gut health.
Don't ignore the warning signs your body may be giving you. Detecting a stomach ulcer early is crucial so that you can take appropriate measures. Invest in your health and well-being by screening yourself with this stomach ulcer self test kit, the easiest to use at home stool test for ulcer detection.
The fast ulcer test you can count on to give you highly accurate results rapidly in private, this simple home test for stomach ulcer provides results in just 10 minutes with over 97% accuracy. A reliable tool to proactively test to detect gastric ulcer, it makes instant insights into your health accessible.
- Newfoundland’s Selfcheck Stomach Ulcer Test Kit is a unique rapid response health aid intended to supply helpful insight into one’s gastric health by quickly testing stool for H. pylori bacteria.
- Only a simple stool sample is required to test for ulcer in stomach. No blood test needed. This OTC ulcer detection test works by checking for the presence of H. pylori bacteria in your stool.
- Effective, easy to use and incredibly accurate, the over-the-counter ulcer test gives you same day results. No waiting. No sending off bloodwork to a lab. Get clear results in just 10 minutes.
- We understand that privacy and discretion are important to you, which is why this stomach ulcer stool testing kit is carefully packaged and shipped to your doorstep in discreet packaging.
- Newfoundland home health tests are not intended to diagnose any disease, disorder or medical condition. Consult with your GP for diagnosis, professional medical advice or treatment.